HTML Basic Tags

The basic tags for all of HTML files are very easy and everybody should use these tags for his/her HTML files.
These tags are <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>.

#<html> - tag contain the whole HTML pages.
#<head> - tag contain all information of header.
#<title> - tag contain the title of the page.
#<body> - tag contain all elements of page.

Now we explain of these tags 1 by 1.

1.The <html> tag:
 The <html> tag is start with <html> and end with </html>. All the elements of HTML pages are situated into this tag. For example:-

<title>HTML tutorial</title>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

2. The <head> tag:
The <head> tag contain all other header tags. It is the first thing to appear the <html> tag.
Every header tag must contain a <title> tag to indicate the HTML document. It may also contain the following tags, in any order:
*To create a base url for all links on page, the <base> tag  is used.
*To include pictures, JavaScript object, MP3 files, Video files, Flash animations on a page we should use the <object> tag.
*To include the CSS rules in the document we use the <style> tag.
*To include the JavaScript  inside the pages we use the <script> tag.
*To includes information about the document such as keywords and a description, which are particularly helpful for search applications we use the <meta> tag.
<title>HTML tutorial</title>
<meta name="Keywords" content="HTML, Web Pages" />
<meta name="description" content="HTML Basic Tags" />
<base href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-322983";
3.The <title> tag:
 The <title> tag is a child tag of <head> tag. It display at the top of the browser window.
<title>HTML tutorial</title>
4.The <body> tag:
 The <body> tag is situated after the <head> tag and this is a part of a Web page that you actually see in the browser window, which is sometimes called as body content.

<p>This is a paragraph</p>
If  all these tags are putting  together, it looks like below:
<title>HTML tutorial</title>
<meta name="Keywords" content="HTML, Web Pages" />
<meta name="description" content="HTML Basic Tags" />
<base href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-322983";
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

Introduction of HTML

Need for begin html :-

It's very important to know the basic use of windows because windows is the best or easy platform to learning Html. You must know these use are below.

1. In any text editor, you need to know the basic word processing uses.
2. How to create files and directories.
3. Basic knowledge of Internet Browsing and to use a browser like as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

HTML Introducing :-

Html means "Hyper Text Markup Language". And it is the most used language to make  web pages.

Html Document Creating :-

To begin html coding you need 2 things. One of these is a browser and another is your computer notepad program. Then you can write the following code of html in your notepad. And save it as "example.html". Coding is begin with <html>  tag and end with </html>. To title your web page you must use it in header tag <head>. and title tag is start with<title> and end with </title>. Header tag ends with </head>.
 Then you can start body tag. In web page body  you have to use a lot of tags to arrange you web page good looking. Body tag start with <body> and end with </body> tag. Now we see how to these codes in notepad.

<title>Welcome to my Web site</title>


<p> You can write a description about your subject here.......</p>


Now save as "html introduce.html". And open it in any browser. See the result like this image.

Html fonts formatting

HTML fonts formatting is a very easy term of learning html. At first you open your notepad and write down these codes. And after saving open it in any of your browser.


<p><font size="2" face="Verdana">
This is a paragraph.

<p><font size="5" face="Times" color="red">
This is another paragraph.

Save as test_fonts.html
See the result like as this picture.

HTML color value & name

To know about using the html color value and name you can try these terms of use.


<p style="background-color:#87CEFA">
Color set by using hex value

<p style="background-color:rgb(135,206,250)">
Color set by using rgb value

<p style="background-color:lightSkyblue">
Color set by using color name


Save it as test_color_value&name.html

Test Attributes of a link create

To know how to create a link in html file, at first you must open your notepad file then write the codes given below:


<a href="">
This is a link</a>


now save it as test_attributes.html
and see result like the picture